Hashtag, Storm Chasers

A cloud started spinning, heading downwards. Julie turned the engine and started driving while Mike snapped a picture and posted it on Twitter, #StormChasers. They sent updates to the Weather Service, and Mike live tweeted. Torrential rain and golf ball sized hail pounded the truck, and an uprooted tree flew overhead. Suddenly Julie slammed on the brakes, saying, “Let’s get into the ditch!”

“Well”, Julie said, jumping in the ditch, “Maybe loafers weren’t the best footwear”, her feet getting wet.

“Beats heels”, Mike replied.

She laughed, then CRASH!: A telephone pole fell on the truck. Mike’s phone said, “No sevice”.

This is a post for Friday Fictioneers by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, who also provided the photo.

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Christian, freethinker, believer, skeptic, seeker.

14 thoughts on “Hashtag, Storm Chasers”

  1. At least they got their bit on social media before the phone’s reception went. Hopefully Julie has a phone and her service carrier is more reliable than Mike’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like our pre-dawn hour here on Wednesday morning. Fifteen minutes of hell. I’ve finally stopped shivering.


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