Road Trip To A Vegas Wedding

“I thought I’d never marry!” Don exclaimed.

Elena smiled and glanced at him.As Don leaned in to kiss her, Elena slammed on the brakes. Horns honked; motorists shouted and cussed. Suddenly a man came running down the street, and he tried to grope Elena. She opened the door, knocking him over. She then stepped on his chest. “Don’t look up my skirt, pervert!”, she yelled.

“Nice shoes”, he replied.

She jumped on his chest with both feet. He cried. “Wimp”, Don said.

Flashing a badge, he continued, “Interpol! You are under arrest for arms dealing, human trafficking, and terrorism.”

This is a post for Friday Fictioneers by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, photo by Al Forbes.

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Christian, freethinker, believer, skeptic, seeker.

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