Qu’il y a Paix Sur la Terre

24 December 1914:

The British and German soldiers were hunched in their trenches by the farm where a shell had killed feeding horses and many men had died. Today, however, Christmas trees arrived to the German side, and were put on the trenches. Later that evening, one of the German soldiers sang Stille Nacht: “Tönt es laut von fern und nah/Christ der Retter is da!”

Soon the soldiers from both sides came onto No Man’s Land and exchanged gifts. A priest proclaimed, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill towards men.”

This is a post for Friday Fictioneers, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, who also provided the photo.

This story is dedicated to the soldiers who participated in the 1914 Christmas Truce. The German literally means, “Sound it loud from far and near/Christ the Savior is there.” As the song says, “It Could Happen Again”: https://youtu.be/fCQpNPGq_mU

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Christian, freethinker, believer, skeptic, seeker.

7 thoughts on “Qu’il y a Paix Sur la Terre”

  1. This was indeed a memorable event in that cruel war. If you change the Bob to von in the song text, you’ll have it right.


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